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Writer's pictureThe Keuka Boardroom

Review of the Lib Tech Air'N Wakesurf

Air'N Wakesurf, AKA "Blue Fin Tuna"

Style: Skim

Length: 4'6"

Width: 19.75"

Tail: 17.8"

Nose: 15.2"

Volume: 19.40cl

Thickness: 1.75"

Fins: FCS II compatible with 1/2" adjustability

Main Reviewer: Big Mac

This board was so phenomenal to ride I almost don't know what to say or where to start. You can tell just by looking at it that it's light as a feather, but don't let it fool you: this board is durable and can take more than a few hits. It pops out of the water like a fishing bobber and immediately speeds into the sweet spot of the wave. Carving is almost too easy; it's like you just have to think about turning and this board will do it. I've seen members of our team steer farther away from the wave than ever on this board, like a wakeboarder preparing to launch off the wake. This thing won't let you fall out of the wave. For a largely snow-based company, Lib Tech has really proven themselves to be capable of taking over the surf industry. This board is for advanced riders, and also comes in a 4'8" size. This board is priced at $699, which is towards the pricier end of surf equipment, but that seems to be the value of high performance. I can't speak highly enough of it.

Check out this promo from the man behind the board. We aren't sponsored in any way by Aaron or Lib Tech, but we know a good board and a good rider when we see one:

Our Review: 5/5

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